Scientific Bio


Education and scientific development


Faculty of Management, University of Lodz (Poland)
Habilitation (D.Sc.)
Scientific area: economics; Scientific discipline: management sciences
Title of the main scientific achievement: “Absorption of support in the development management of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises – a strategic approach”


Faculty of Organization and Management, Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
Scientific area: economics; Scientific discipline: management sciences
Doctoral thesis: “The role of outsourcing in the area of accountancy and tax consultancy in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises”
Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Stefan Lachiewicz


Postgraduate Pedagogical Development College (Poland)
Lodz University of Technology, Poland


Faculty of Organization and Management, Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
Master of Science in the management and marketing


Academic career

Since 2019University of Lodz, Faculty of Management, Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy (Poland)
Since 01.10.2019: Associate (university) professor in a group of research-teaching staff
2002 – 2019

Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Production Engineering, Department of Management (Poland)
(Until 01.10.2017: Faculty of Organization and Management),
2016-2019: Vice-Dean for Science and International Cooperation,
2016-2019: Associate professor,
2006-2016: Assistant Professor,
2002-2006: Assistant.

2016 – 2017University of Łódź, Tomaszów Mazowiecki Branch, Institute of Tourism and Economic Development (Poland)
2016-2017: Associate professor.


Work experience

2002 – 2009„Rachman” Marek Matejun (Poland)
Own company: consultancy and accountancy services for micro and small enterprises
2001 – 2002Polish Printer Limited Liability Company (Poland)
Publisher of a national printing magazine
Position held: marketing specialist
2000 – 2002Tax Advisor’s Accounting Office (Poland)
Support in book-keeping